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Cookie-uri strict necesare

Aceste tipuri de cookie-uri sunt necesare pentru paginile de internet să funcționeze în mod corespunzator. Modulele cookie strict necesare vă permit să navigați prin site și să beneficiați de caracteristicile sale. Fără aceste module cookie, nu vom putea oferi anumite caracteristici, cum ar fi redirectionarea automata la cel mai puțin ocupat server sau reținerea listei dvs. de preferințe.

Cookie Descriere Durata
__cfduidCookie-ul este setat de CloudFare. Cookie-ul este utilizat pentru a identifica clienții individuali în spatele unei adrese IP partajate și pentru a aplica setările de securitate pe fiecare client. Nu corespunde nici unui ID de utilizator din aplicația web și nu stochează nicio informație de identificare personală.1 lună
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cookiePreferencesAcest cookie este folosit pentru a memora preferințele utilizatorilor în legătură cu permisiunile de a folosi cookie-uri pe acest website.2 ani

Cookie-uri de performanță și analiză

Aceste tipuri de cookies oferă posibilitatea operatorilor site-urilor de internet să monitorizeze vizitele și sursele de trafic, modul în care utilizatorii interacționează cu pagina de internet sau anumite secțiuni din pagina de internet.

Informațiile furnizate de modulele cookie de analiză ajută operatorii să înțeleagă cum folosesc vizitatorii site-urile și apoi să folosească această informație pentru a îmbunătăți modul în care este prezentat conținutul oferit utilizatorilor.

Cookie Descriere Durata
_gaAcest cookie este instalat de Google Analytics. Cookie-ul este utilizat pentru calcularea datelor vizitatorilor, sesiunii, campaniei și pentru a urmări utilizarea site-ului pentru raportul de analiză a site-ului. Cookie-urile stochează informații în mod anonim și alocă un număr generat aleatoriu pentru a identifica vizitatorii unici.2 ani
_gidAcest cookie este instalat de Google Analytics. Cookie-ul este utilizat pentru a stoca informații despre modul în care vizitatorii utilizează un site web și ajută la crearea unui raport de analiză a modului în care funcționează site-ul. Datele colectate, inclusiv numărul de vizitatori, sursa de proveniență și paginile au fost redate într-o formă anonimă. 1 zi
_gat_gtag_UA_{ID}Google folosește acest cookie pentru a distinge utilizatorii. 1 minut

Cookie-uri de targetare si publicitate

Aceste cookie-uri pot oferi posibilitatea de a monitoriza activitățile online ale utilizatorilor și de a stabili profiluri de utilizatori, care pot fi apoi folosite în scopuri de marketing. Spre exemplu, pe baza cookie-urilor pot fi identificate produsele și serviciile agreate de către un utilizator, aceste informații servind ulterior la transmiterea de mesaje publicitare adecvate către respectivul utilizator.

Cookie Descriere Durata
_fbpAcest cookie este setat de Facebook pentru a livra reclame atunci când sunt pe Facebook sau o platformă digitală alimentată de publicitate Facebook după vizitarea acestui site.2 luni
frCookie-ul este setat de Facebook pentru a afișa reclame relevante pentru utilizatori și pentru a măsura și îmbunătăți reclamele. Cookie-ul urmărește, de asemenea, comportamentul utilizatorului pe web pe site-urile care au pixel Facebook sau plugin social Facebook. 2 luni
Modul de management al cookie-urilor dezvoltat de XMEDIA.ro - © Toate drepturile rezervate

Are you ready for Generation Z?

Alexandra Bodnaru
April 17, 2020

1. Meet Generation Z

Generation Z, also known as “Generation Me” or “Digital Natives”, is represented by the individuals born between 1995 and 2010. In recent years a growing body of research focused on Z-ers’ characteristics, since lots of them are now students and some of them have already entered the workforce.

The advancement of technology, the volatile economy and the social justice movements are some of the variables which have had a huge impact on the way generation Z has been shaped and have determined important differences between them and their predecessors (Millennials/Generation Y).

Compared to previous generations, Z-ers have had unlimited access to information. If they want to learn something, that’s only one click away on their smart-devices. Probably the most relevant lesson they have learned by now was to embrace privacy in their use of technology, since they can easily recognize online threats (e.g. cyber-bullying). Another relevant characteristic is that they believe in their power to change the world. More specifically, they strive for equal humans rights, such as religious freedom, transgender rights, immigrantion policies or women’s rights (Seemiller & Grace, 2017).

In this article, you will find out more about the learning perspectives and career aspirations of this technology-driven and society-oriented generation in order to provide them the means to change the world.

2. Preparing for the next generation of students

We already know that students of all ages expect to acquire the necessary skills for their future career through applied learning. But when it comes to generation Z, there are some aspects you might want to consider before you structure your lectures and classes.

Generation Z students learn by observation and practice. They are interested in concepts that have broader applicability to more than one class example and want to observe someone else completing specific tasks before applying themselves. The average generation Z individual has an 8-second attention span, so you have to be careful not to lose their interest while using video materials.

Another important characteristic is their preference for intrapersonal learning. More specifically, they want to think through a problem or project on their own first and after that to work with peers and instructors. They are also used to instant gratification and might easily get frustrated when the answers are not clear to them immediately.

To sum it up, the visual approach to teaching is more effective than others for generation Z students. Therefore, some useful teaching tips are:

  • Limit readings to include only necessary information and use readings that can be completed on tablets or smart phones;
  • Use mobile technology and apps when possible and encourage collaboration through use of social media sites;
  • Use interactive games such as Kahoot® and Socrative® and reinforce concepts with YouTube videos;
  • Connect generation Z students to internship opportunities.

(Shatto, 2016; Seemiller & Grace, 2017)

 3. Understanding the needs of the new generation of employees

When it comes to career aspirations, passion is the keyword for generation Z. They have to love what they do in order to follow a specific career path. But we know that this is not enough to keep them in an organization. So, let’s find out what’s their perception of the ideal workplace and working conditions.

A romanian study with a sample of 156 University students from Z generation might offer an overview on this topic. However, the results should be treated with caution due to the small sample, which is not representative for Romanian generation Z.

The results show that when it comes to the ideal workplace, most of the generation Z representatives would like to work in a large international corporation (44.9%). Moreover, an equal percentage of the respondents expressed their preference for working in a midsize company or in a start-up (19.2%), while only 5.1% of them would like to work in an NGO.

Regarding the ideal workplace conditions, the survey indicates that most of the Z-ers would like to work in a large team or in an open-space (47.7%), while 34.6% would work independently, in a private office. A small percentage of the respondents stated they would prefer to work in a small-sized team, in a closed-door office (10.3%) and even less stated they would work independently but off-site (7.7%).

   Last but not least, those are the top-priorities in choosing a full-time job for generation Z:

  • The possibility of advancement in a company (87.18% of the respondents)
  • The opportunity of being generously paid for their work (in 60.26% of the cases)
  • The job-security (in 43.59% of the cases).

(Iorgulescu, 2016)

4. What should an HR professional know about Generation Z

Generation Z is probably already part of your workforce. Here are our final tips that might help you improve engagement for your employees:

  • The new generation of employees expects diversity at work more than any other previous generation;
  • Generation Z is pragmatic: they focus on stable careers, economic security, privacy and better benefits;
  • Z-ers have entrepreneurial goals, so they value autonomy and innovation and managers might encourage that;
  • They prefer in-person communication with leaders. 51% of generation Z respondents said they prefer face-to-face feedback from leaders (Schawbel, 2014).

(Lanier, 2017)


Iorgulescu, M.C.(2016). Generation Z and its perception of work. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 1, 47-54.

Lanier, K. (2017). 5 things HR professionals need to know about Generation Z: Thought leaders share their views on the HR profession and its direction for the future. Strategic HR Review, 16(6), pp. 288-290. doi: 10.1108/SHR-08-2017-0051.

Seemiller, C. & Grace, M. (2017). Generation Z: Educating and Engaging the Next Generation of Students. Retrieved from: doi: 10.1002/abc.21293.

Shatto, B & Erwin, K.(2016). Moving on From Millennials: Preparing for Generation Z. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(6). doi:10.3928/00220124-20160518-05.